Okay I really got to speak my mind on this one because this is one of the most ridiculous things that the WTBTS does! The Greek word apostate (from apostasia) means to renounce, depart, or go away from. It does NOT mean to disagree with or to criticize. The WTBTS has taken the modern use of the world (synonymous with revolt) and has tried to apply it retroactively to the Bible. It is incredibly dishonest and in direct conflict with the teachings of the Bible.
Worse, they now use it as Loaded Language so thagt anytime a JW feels uncomfortable when being called out on the inconsitancy of their beliefs or when someone challenges authority they can just say, “Oh, that person is an apostate. Don’t talk to them."
* Loaded Language is intended to produce an emotional response in the mind of the audience while the meaning is intentionally obfuscated in order to vilify or condem a particular minority or belief without raising an alarm among those who would be offended by the actual meaning.
For example, the term "family values" immediately invokes the feelings of warmth, security, honesty and support that a family brings. Even though the term really means a few vicious pet social issues - hatred of gays , being anti- abortion , and restricting roles for women. (See also " traditional values ").
-Rational Wiki